Monday, February 10, 2025


 I got up and went out early with dad this morning to watch them see to the cattle, and I sort of got in to a bit of trouble. Perhaps more of an advisory than trouble as he was okay about it really.

He was just introducing me to Eric, his worker when a lorry driver called for directions, so dad moved away from the tractor which we were standing near so that he could hear better. Anyway Eric wanted to put a bale of hay, or straw, whatever it was into the shed but every time he opened the gate the cows tried to escape before he could get back on the tractor and drive in to the shed so he asked me to stop them coming out, I don't think he realised how useless I am. 

Then dad is shouting from across the yard, "KATLYN SHUT THAT GATE,"

I wasn't sure what was happening then because Eric was trying to get in and I was trying to shut the gate and we nearly ended up crashing in to each other, and that starts the cows chasing around the shed like a stampede. Then dad came back across the yard and told Eric to just wait a minute and then asked me to go and help mum with the breakfast as they'd nearly done the feeding. I felt a bit funny about that at the time to be honest. It felt like I was in the way.

It turned out alright in the end though, and I could see his point as I don't have a clue what's happening half the time. Over breakfast he apologized for shouting but said that he had to make himself clear as he could see there was going to be trouble but he appreciated that I was just being helpful and added that my roll at the moment is to just look and learn and he would ask me to do things when he could watch and teach me how to do them properly. 

The rest of the morning was spent with mum cleaning, and then I got some lunch ready for dad and Eric, well, for all of us actually. I wanted to go out with dad after lunch but the weather has been rubbish and they were only loading grain so he said to stay in where it was warm. So I spent the afternoon reading my book and watching mum paint a picture.

Dad is going to take me down to the farm store sometime to get some work clothes as none of the clothes I have are very warm or farm friendly.

Tonight we cuddled up on the sofa in front of an nice wood fire so that was lovely and cozy but best of all we're still best of friends.

"You're doing great Katlyn, just take your time to settle in, you don't need to impress us as you've already done that," he said as he put his arm around me and gave me a hug and a cuddle.

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Mrs Manton.

 This afternoon mum, dad and myself went to meet with a lady in the village about helping me to finish off my schooling. She is a lovely lad...