Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Real Work.

 Today has been very busy for me, I actually did real work on my own. With guidance from Eric, he didn't get me into trouble this time either! It started at breakfast when dad asked if I would mind going with him spreading fertiliser, of course I jumped at the chance after first asking mum if it was alright as I always help her clear way after breakfast.

She said, "Go on with you, I'll try and manage somehow." Ha ha - she can be such a leg puller.

Once outside he told me to go and sit on the tractor while he loaded the spreader. I have to do this as he doesn't want me standing around and getting run over if he loses sight of me. I would have enough sense to move if I saw him coming though. It's warmer on the tractor anyway. After loading I went to sit on the little seat besides the drivers seat but he told me to stay where I was which was a surprise as I usually have to move so he can drive down the road. On this occasion though we weren't going down the public road but down the track leading from the back of the farm.

So before setting off I thought carefully about everything I'd learned and put it in to practise and we arrived without mishap at the field that dad indicated. He had me jump out and go with him to check the spreader was set right and showed me a few things while there and then he said for me to get doing some spreading while he sat watching and telling me things like for instance when and how to apply the four wheel drive system should it look wet and muddy or I felt slipping. I wasn't sure what slipping felt like in a tractor, but apparently you can feel it when it's happening.

When we were nearly empty Eric arrived with two more bags on the loader and put then in to the spreader and that's when dad got off. When they had the spreader loaded he came and told me to finish this field off and then go and do the same to the next one. I couldn't believe it, he actually left me to drive the tractor on my own. It was sort of scary at first but I thought, it's only the same as I'd just been doing but without dad talking. It was actually easier without him as I wasn't getting distracted with other things. I did make a little mistake at the end, I didn't notice that I hadn't got enough to finish off a run, although I did see when it ran out so nothing got missed which dad said was good. Basically I shouldn't have done that last run, instead I should have gone and filled up again. Except we weren't filling again as it was lunch time. Dad jumped on and we follwed Eric back to the farm. Dad was asking me how I had felt about it and did I feel I had any problems that I needed advice on. I said I was fine as far as I knew, as long as the spreader was putting on the right amount. He assured me it would be if I kept to the speed he told me to drive at when spreading.

Then at dinner he dropped a bombshell by asking if I thought I could manage the spreading with the help from Eric this afternoon as he needed to go out. I looked at Eric, I'm not sure why, but anyway he assure me that we would be fine. Dad told him to make sure he kept his eye on me and make sure the spreader was running okay each time he filled it. Then told me to do what Eric said then he was sure everything would be okay. If I thought I had a problem with anything I had to wait until Eric could assist me with it.

So Eric loaded up the spreader in the yard for me and I set off back to where I finished, I had to reverse down the row a little way to join up from where I ran out. I now just have to put the spreader in gear, set the tractor moving while at the same time turn on the flow to the spinners, They are the spinning things that do the spreading. I then set the tractor speed at eight kilometers per hour and then steer down the lines. At the end I stop the flow and then drive over to the next lot of lines and just keep doing that. I also check to make sure the fertiliser is coming out on both sides of he spreader.

In one field there was a lot of water, like a small lake and the lines went through it so I wasn't sure if I should drive through or not so I went back to the track even though I wasn't empty and waited for Eric to come with more bags. Even though he said it would be okay to drive through I wasn't sure so he came with me to see. We did drive through, and it was okay although a bit squidgy. Eric was quite impressed that I engaged the four wheel drive without having to be reminded. He also said that he would be having to do this job if I wasn't doing it and went on to say how he hates doing tractor work. He said he gets bored and keeps having to stop because he can't keep his eyes open. So he thinks I'm doing a great job.

When we finished for the day I had to wash everything down before I got to go inside, it's part of the job. I'd been lovely and warm all day on the tractor but once off it and the night dropping down I  was freezing and wet by the time I got finished and went inside. Mum had a fit when she saw me and said that my dad was going to cop big time when he gets home. He still hasn't taken me for any work clothes yet. I told her he was very busy trying to get the fertiliser on before the weather turned.

Anyway, I think that's enough for one day. Apparently dad is going to take me shopping tomorrow. We will see. It's probably more important to get the fertilizer on if possible. I think I'd rather put the fertiliser on if possible!

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Mrs Manton.

 This afternoon mum, dad and myself went to meet with a lady in the village about helping me to finish off my schooling. She is a lovely lad...