I got a phone call from Cindy at the house in Scotland this afternoon. I was at first excited about it. However as things progressed it turns in to something more than a catch up call.
She was supposedly calling to inform me that my things would hopefully be back with me sometime later next week. They had been packed and would be taken to the post shed by the road ready to be picked up on Monday morning. The laptop with my school work on it was to be sent special delivery so would be with me first. I expressed surprised that they were even sending that. This is when it became evident that this was more than just a social call but one with a hidden motive. This motive being to try and draw me back into the fold as she called it. Apparently my exploits with regard to escaping Glen Grim had been relayed to the invisible man with a view to achieving some sort of retribution against me. It doesn't take much to work out as to who initiated that little gem! Anyway it seems that it backfired because the invisible man is not happy with everyone, in particular my grandfather. That fact the Cindy knows he's not happy tells me just how unhappy he really is because normally you would not even know about such inner workings. We are talking now about a guy who we weren't even allowed to mention. So if it's common knowledge that he's not happy and has severely reprimanded my grandfather, and Cindy the cook, has been tasked with trying to persuade me to return, then for sure there has been big trouble. Anyway it seems that it was the invisible man that told them straight. to get all my things, PLUS the laptop to me immediately, and that every effort needs to be made to secure my return to the fold. As to why it's so vital that someone like me is such a loss to the place is still beyond me, and Cindy wasn't a lot of help at explaining it either. Other than to say that I underestimate me presence on the place.
"Ha ha - as entertainment value no doubt" I laughed.
"No not at all, you brightened the place up no end. I miss you not coming down in a morning looking all smart in your uniform with a big smile on your face." She replied.
The smile wasn't because I was happy, it was to fool grandfather in to thinking I was happy, in the hope it pissed him off a little bit because he hadn't yet managed to bring me to my knees.
Well of course I told her, there is no way I'm going back there, and that I can't believe how anyone thinks I'll even consider it. Just the thought of spending another second with that man makes my stomach churn, and that's not even taking in to account that I have a family who loves and depends on me now. I could tell she was subdued by my my answer, and the conversation died at this point. The only further thing that she really added was that grandfather would not have any control over me, but I just told her that it was to late for that. They all just used to sit there watching him try to destroy my spirit and did nothing to help. She insisted things would be different a second time. Well I don't think it would. and like I say there is no way I am returning. They are living in a dream world if they believe that.
So that was that, except it wasn't because for some reason it's got to me somehow and I don't even know why. Dad says it's just because I'm a nice person and probably feel I'm letting them down. But I don't know. Why are they so desperate to get me back, especially as it's coming from the invisible man, I wasn't even aware that he knew of my existence. It seems very strange to me.
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