When back at the room I just flopped out on the bed. After a while Irene asked if I was ever going to get in it or did I plan on lying on top all night. I told her I was just thinking and asked what she thought I should do about the key. She wouldn't tell me but after a pause offered some advice on how to approach thinking about it. So I've spent all night on and off tying my brain knots over it just to end up where I was before I went to bed. It's like Irene says, they must both love and want me or they wouldn't have made such a commitment. I love them to bits for sure. If in future something happens that changes things and the way we feel, then I won't be a prisoner, I will probably do what most people do anyway in time, move out. Why was I thinking about it so much, what was there really to think about?
After getting ready we packed up our things called on Jan and George and went down to breakfast. No one mentioned the key option, which was good as breakfast wouldn't have been a good place to talk about it as we'd already upset everyone's dinners the night before. Because of this, as soon as I could without appearing to be rude, I got up from the table and went to bring Irene's bag down. I think it was already assumed the night before that I would be traveling with George and Jan rather than Irene. I knew I had to say something before she left so when we were all out saying goodbye I gave her a big hug, I did feel a bit sad for her really but what could I do?
I went and stood between George and Jan and said goodbye to her and then added, "I'll be sure to get mum and dad to bring me up to visit you sometime."
They all looked at me for a few seconds before George said,"Are you serious, are you sure?"
I assured them that I was and then Jan got me in a bear hug and gave me the treatment George got last night. I managed to get my arms free and wrapped them around her returning the hug she was giving me.
"Give over now," she said after a second or two, and tried to get away from me. I wasn't being rough with her as with George but she was feeling the moment and I think didn't want to feel foolish.
"You've got me as daft as you now." She sobbed in my ear.
We are of a similar height and I had my chin on her shoulder so it was easy to feel and hear the emotion in her voice.
I confess to being a little naughty at this point because I deliberately didn't let her get away with a few sobs. I needed proper tears and she need to give them to me.
"I love you MUM," I said softly in her ear as I gave her a little kiss on the cheek, it made her tremble and I loved how she gave me an extra little squeeze.
I was thinking now of all the things I've never felt able to say to my real mum for fear of being pushed away and told not to be so silly.
"I will make you so proud of me that when someone asks who is that nice girl over there you will be able to say that it's your daughter Katlyn," Well that got the water works going full flow and no mistake. It seems I may have Competition.
I was saying this all in a whisper in her ear so I don't think the others could here, it was a private moment between mum and her daughter.
"You know all those things that you missed about me growing up? Well you haven't really missed them because I've been saving them all up for you to enjoy now."
I gave her a extra squeeze in return for the one she gave me and and released her. I needed to do that as I was starting to make myself tear up. George came now and put his arms around us both and after a little group hug I motioned for Irene to join us. No words were spoken because there was nothing to say.
We said a tearful goodbye to Irene and packed for the journey Home. George never shed a tear throughout, I obviously need to try harder with him.
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