Today I have made a few more entries, there is still loads to catch up on though. It's not easy doing it on the phone. Also today I've been trying to organise myself and my things a little better. If someone should come then I've pretty much been a sitting duck so to speak. I haven't bothered doing anything about it until now because basically I have been feeling quite ill what with the cold and my wrist, and of I wasn't sure what I was doing. Also I wasn't really sure what I could do to hide myself anyway. But yesterday I was looking around for somewhere to hide some of my stuff away and I accidentally discovered quite a nice hiding place. If someone knew I was here and came specifically looking for me then I would still most likely be discovered. But if you were just casually looking around being nosey then I reckon I would be okay. In the bathroom, between the end of the bath and the wall, there is what looks to be a tall floor to ceiling cupboard but whilst the top half is a cupboard with a couple of shelves and a water tank the bottom half is an empty space that is paneled off, no door. By the looks of it there was once a water tank in there too as there are a couple of pipe ends that are simply hanging lose. I think at some time the panel was screwed in place as there are small holes all around the edge of the lose panel. I've used some of these holes to thread some wire through that I found in one of the rooms so that one edge of the panel is now permanently attached but I can still move the other side enough for me to put my things in and enter myself if needed. I just have the one piece of wire fastened to the opening side so that when inside I can pulling it tight shut and then wrap the other end of the wire around a pipe.
Another thing that I did was to take out the light bulbs from the bathroom and the bedroom. The bulb in the bathroom is the only source of light, there is no window so this would also hopefully help in making my hiding place less discoverable. I took the one out in the living room so that I don't accidentally turn it on, also I didn't want anyone deciding to use it in the bathroom. So now everything except the bedding lives either in the safe room or just outside it, depending on how much I use it, ready to be thrown in should I need to. So, if I hear someone I can just roll the bed stuff up in three to five seconds and disappear in to the safe room.
When rooting around in the junk room opposite for some way of fastening the safe room panel in place I noticed three empty biscuit tins. So part way down the corridor to my room, more or less at it's darkest point I've balanced these tins on a small low table and underneath them I have placed this meter long shoe horn which sticks out in to the passage. The idea being that you walk in to the shoe horn which will pull the tins crashing down on to the wooden floor. So with the noise of the tins and all the cursing that would follow I should get more time to react.
I'm calling the thing a shoe horn because that's what it looks like but I've never seen one that long before so it maybe something else in reality. It has the shape of a shoe horn and at one end it's bent to form a hook shape. I'm just hoping that someone doesn't see it as a trap before it goes off. They shouldn't as it does blend in with all the other stuff that I have to keep on dodging around every time I use the corridor.
So that's it for today apart from the usual food run, diary work and sleeping.
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