Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Little Warmer.

 Today it seems that it must be a little warm as quite suddenly around eleven this morning the ice melted from the glass in the window. I have to say though that it didn't seem to have much effect inside the room.

However, unlike the heat situation my hand seems to be improving. It's still a little swollen but not as much as the last time I looked. It's quite a relief to me as I was worried that it was something that was going to require medical intervention, but now I think it just needs time. My cold has just about gone too, apart from the occasional cough so that's another positive. My forehead was just a graze, I think from when I tripped over the wire at chicken bridge. Although I did bump into a few tree branches that day also. My finger that I trapped in the pantry door was never really a problem, I just ended up with  a blood blister from that.

As my medical woes seem to be clearing up I've been deciding on a plan of action to extract myself this situation. I can't stay here forever, it would be a pointless existence that's for sure. I'm living like a rat. So I've managed to get some email addresses of local hotels so I'm going to mail them and ask if they have any work or if not could they save my details should they get anything in the future. I will also look further a field too. 

Because I have been looking for contact details I didn't get to write anymore back story today. The internet here is so frustration, I don't think it reaches to this end of the house.

I also spent some time reading the book I got yesterday. I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought.

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 Well good old Irene has come through for me after all, shame on me for doubting her. The only trouble is that I have to get to Durness by t...