Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 I've had a bit of a set back today. I went and let it slip to Irene that I planned on getting to her house by cadging a lift from someone. Actually she asked how I was traveling down to Edinburgh, she had been assuming that it was by coach as there are no trains around here. Well, I couldn't lie so told her that I was hoping I could persuade someone to give me a lift as I had no money to travel any other way. She isn't impressed to say the least and has told me that she doesn't want me taking those sort of risks just to visit her. I like to think that she is sincere about what she says and isn't just using it as an excuse for getting cold feet. I was all optimistic too as she had told me how her local supermarket was always looking for staff, now I'm all deflated. Does it never end?

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 Well good old Irene has come through for me after all, shame on me for doubting her. The only trouble is that I have to get to Durness by t...