Friday, January 17, 2025

A Bit Of A Different Entry Today.

 Today I have added a new back entry to this journal. For those interested the link follows. The Arrival

As this diary is record of  my own experiences and memories I tend not to elaborate on subjects that for me are side issues that I already know the answer to. Feeling that if other people who enjoy reading my diary want to know more they will ask me and I will then do my best to explain. Today being a bit of a slow day with regard to anything happening I thought I would take the time to answer something that I have been asked about several times, just to save me having to answer basically the same question over and over.

Roughly speaking the question is, who are the other people who live here and what is their purpose? I will start at the top and work my way down in the general order of things.

The Invisible Man: That's my nickname for him. He is the owner which none of us are allowed to even mention let alone see or discuss. He is a very private recluse and so out of respect for that and the fact that he is providing me with a roof over my head, I won't say anymore about him. Also I don't really know any more about him.

Ms Oliver: She is the personal assistant to the above mentioned. She is around sixty, quite tall and slim build with short hair which changes colour from time to time. Always dresses smart and addresses us all with authority. She is the only one who can see the Invisible Man and one of three people who has permission to enter the private part of the house. Her roll is to basically do all the things the Invisible Man would do if he wasn't a recluse. I find her strict but fair.

Grandfather Tom: Otherwise referred to as Bongo. Sixty six years old. He is a pompous little fat man with a bald head, wears glasses and has a moustache. He is a sergeant major type, has lots of rules and standards that have to be followed to the letter, more especially so when it comes to me it seems. I'm the only one he has any real authority over so the others just tend to humour him. His role is mainly to look after the cabins but he also does a few chores such as seeing to the dogs and checking over the vehicles which I don't think he's very good at seen as how bits always seem to be dropping off them. I doubt he has ever had a good laugh in his life. A very serious man.

Cindy: Wife to Ivan and a superb cook. Very friendly and helpful. Cindy is in her forties, not thin but not fat either, with short blonde hair. She cooks all the meals that we eat so she never has time to do any other sort of work around the place. Cindy is my favourite.

Ivan: He is a tall slim man with a full head of hair and something on his face that he likes to call a beard. He has a Baltic surname yet Scottish accent. I think he is in his forties and does odd jobs/repair work in the house and looks after the gardens. Because of his roll as repair man to the house he is the second of three people that are allowed in to the forbidden part of the house. However he is not allowed any contact with the owner whilst performing his duties. Ms Oliver is key to organising this. He always looks like he is suffering from pain but apparently he isn't, he's just blessed with a pained look. 

Sheena: She is in maybe her late fifties, very slim with short dark hair. She is the housekeeper and for that reason she is the third of three people who has permission to enter the forbidden part of the house, BUT only after being authorized to do so by Ms Oliver. She also does all the laundry. Sheena is married to Dougie and they live in a cottage down by the loch.

Dougie: To look at Dougie I would say the he is younger than Sheena. He has a full head of black hair, beard and is a very thick set and stocky man. I only really see Dougie on a Sunday when he comes to the house for lunch. I've never worked with him or anything. From what I can gather he looks after things out on the estate. He also takes people stalking and fishing. He's always cheerful enough  and pulls my leg quite a bit. He makes me laugh, which annoys grandfather immensely.

Me: I have long brown hair, 158cm tall of slim to average build. I'm the rebellious youth of the estate - apparently. My roll here is to learn both intellectual theory and practical improvement, Grandfathers words, not mine. Basically he means I have to improve my general standards, intelligence, morals and manners. All of which it seems I am deficient in, if you listen to him. When I'm not doing lessons I have to do work which usually involves helping one of the others. So that means I've done cabin work, garden work, laundry work and a bit of work in the kitchen. It's all part of my improvement plan and I do enjoy it for the most part.

I hope that answers the questions for some of you who wanted to know. As I said at the beginning, I don't want to make a habit of explaining side issues as part of my entries as that's not what this is about, but I don't mind making the odd exception if enough people ask the same question and it helps you understand something better.

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