Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Peek Out Of The Back Door

 So, what have I done today? Well, not a lot other than the usual. When I did the food run I did take a peek out of the back door, mainly to see what the weather was like and how much snow is left. It was hard to tell in the back yard though because it's either been run down or moved around but there still looks to be quite a bit.

I don't usually venture far away from the task in hand which is gathering food for the day. I try to be as quick but careful as I can so that I spend as little time out in the open as possible. I can't think why anyone would be coming downstairs at two in the morning but there is nothing to stop them if they wanted to. It's not really a fear of being caught as I think I would stand a good chance of hearing someone coming and so be able to hide. I worry about being cut of from returning to my room. 

Instead of porridge I had a bowl of cornflakes with milk, honey and raisins. I also found some Christmas cake in a tin so I had a bit of that also some cheese and crackers. The Thermos flasks are working out great. It all goes in the bag except for the cereals of course which I carry in my hand. I only need to make a single trip though instead of the three that I was having to make in the beginning.

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