Around four on an evening there is this old guy called Norman who comes down the lane on his bicycle. Eric once told me that he lives alone since his brother passed, quite away down the lane at a run down old farm. As he can't get any further than the farm, he stops just outside the gate and has a look round before returning back down the lane. I've also seen him every Saturday since I started going to the stables. Anyway Rob, the turnip guy, just happened to say last night that he hadn't seen him for a few days and I had to admit to the same myself, but I just thought that maybe I missed him as I'm not always around, and I never really thought about it to be honest, but I think Rob must look out for him so as to have a chat over the garden wall, as he does.
Anyway I woke up quite early this morning and it came in to my head, what if something happened to him? Living alone as he does he could be ill or worse and no one would know. Of course, at that time in the morning I wasn't thinking with a great deal of logic and so it never occurred to me that he would just call someone for help, this if he is able to. Anyway it's just sort of been bugging me all morning. I mentioned it to dad this morning and he said I shouldn't worry, but the trouble is, I am. I'm thinking about asking mum to stop as we pass on the way to church. I'm going to feel stupid though if there is nothing wrong, which there no doubt isn't.
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