I took the letter down to breakfast with me this morning with the intention of revealing all. But there was something wrong with one of the beasts, That's what dad and Eric call the cattle for some reason. Anyway dad was calling the vet and then Eric to see if he would come in and help if they needed it so the time went and the moment lost.
I went with mum to church where Annette handed me another Victoria sponge cake.
"You can't keep spoiling her like this." Said mum.
I assured Annette that it was okay and that I didn't mind in the slightest. Everyone thought this funny and Moss promptly ran off and returned with the plate of biscuits.
"In that case allow me!" he said thrusting the plate towards me.
Before adding that we have to look after our youngest member. It's feels like I'm everyone's only child these days.
On the way home we called in to see Norman, which I think may be the last time as he seems to be coping alright now and has even abandoned his walking stick. He had a full pile of logs by the fire still as the weather has been warmer so he has only had the fire on in the evening for a short while.
The vet had been and gone before we got back, he couldn't find much wrong with the animal and thought may be it had been getting bullied and could have taken a knock and was feeling a bit off colour. So they have put in a pen by itself for the time being.
After this we went to have dinner with uncle Ken and auntie Carole, and Kimbely of course. They are very busy lambing sheep at the moment so Kimberly, who was much more pleasant this time, showed me round the barns with all the lambs and their mum's. Apparently Kimberly spends a lot of time looking after the sheep and even helps them to give birth should they need help.
Over dinner auntie Carole was pulling my leg saying that Ken has a shed full of machinery in need of repair before I can go home. They were all laughing and joking at my expense, which I didn't mind, it was just fun. Then it suddenly turned serious when dad said, "While she's at it she'll put that fertiliser on for you if you just show her how to go on and keep an eye on her."
I'm not sure if it was meant as a joke to start with or not but Ken seemed to take it seriously and was grateful for the offer. He's finding it hard getting on and off the tractors with his bad hip and with the sheep lambing I think things are getting on top of him a bit even though Kimberly and Carole both help out where they can. Anyway, whatever the reason I have myself a job this next week. I'm finding the prospect a bit daunting to be honest as everything will be new and it's one thing messing up for dad, which would be awful, but it will be even worse if I mess up for uncle Ken. I guess I will just have to not mess up.
Thank you to those who made suggestions with regard to he letter, I now have a more clear plan in my head. It's like being back in my little room making plans! I'm going to wait until we are sat quiet after dinner. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Thank you also for those that have expressed a desire for me to carry on writing here even though the dramatic part of my life is over.
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