Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Fertilising For Uncle Ken.

 Today I have been spreading fertiliser for uncle Ken all day, it's been really cool, like doing a proper job, if that makes sense. Dad thought it best if I take our tractor and spreader over there rather than used uncle Ken's because for one thing I know how to go on with it, also he says that uncles Ken's machinery isn't always very well maintained. He didn't want something breaking because he thought I would take it to much to heart. Which knowing me I probably would. Anyway I was pleased because like dad says I know what I'm doing with our tractor. I'm pleased to say that everything went well. Some of the things that Eric showed me yesterday to do with the computer was also helpful in helping me keep track of how much ground I was covering and such like. dad took the tractor over there for me this morning and me and mum went over in the truck so as to fetch dad back. I left the tractor there for the night and uncle Ken brought me back home at around five. He said I could stay with them if I wanted but I'm sure I would have missed mum and dad to much. When I got home the first thing mum said was that she missed me and that the place just isn't the same without me there, and gave me a big hug. That made me feel nice so nice inside, but I think it will also make me miss them even more tomorrow when I am away. I feel so lucky having people miss me so much.

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Fertilising For Uncle Ken.

 Today I have been spreading fertiliser for uncle Ken all day, it's been really cool, like doing a proper job, if that makes sense. Dad ...