Saturday, March 8, 2025

A Disappointing Day.

 I've been a bit disappointed today as I was expecting Charlotte to be at the stables again today but she never showed up so I've been back to Jilly no mates. I thought she might have let me know.

At least Rob was there, he didn't even wait until I was leaving today. He saw me in the yard and said for me to go over and have my lunch with him in his garden as it's a nice day, and added that he had a surprise for me. Two of the girls were there listening and when Rob walked away I heard them giggling which I found very rude, not to mention annoying. I couldn't catch what they said but it seemed to me that it was either about me or Rob. Anyway I did go and have my lunch break with him and he brought out two cups of tea and two vanilla slices and it was very enjoyable sitting there in his lovely garden.

Another thing that's been bothering me today is the letter that came with the laptop. I haven't told mum and dad yet as I'm worried that they might say I should go back and take advantage of the offer. I wouldn't think they would want me to go back, but they might think they are standing in my way or something. I'm thinking, why risk any upset over something I'm not interested in, but then I feel I should tell them as I don't like to keep secrets from them, it feels dishonest.

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A Disappointing Day.

 I've been a bit disappointed today as I was expecting Charlotte to be at the stables again today but she never showed up so I've be...