Today I got my laptop back from Scotland. To be correct, it's actually their laptop bought by them for me to do my school work on. A lot of which is saved on my google drive so I was still able to access it. However there is some on the laptop that is handy to have.
I got a bit of a surprise when I opened the box that it was in because stuck to the lid of the laptop was a hand written letter in an envelope. The writer didn't leave a name or anything but from what was said I think it was written by the invisible man himself. It certainly wasn't Miss Olivers handwriting as I know what that looks like, and I don't know who else would have an interest in writing in that way. Also, just in case you are wondering, the invisible man doesn't use invisible ink - thankfully.
I did think of copying it out here in my diary but as it's public and the letter is private maybe that wouldn't be a good thing to do. Basically speaking though he starts off by apologizing to me for being treated the way I was in his house. Apparently he was mortified to hear of the lengths I went to in order to get away from the place. It would appear that he was originally informed of my exploits, particularly in regard to me squatting in the east wing, in a manner designed to secure some kind of retribution against me, but it seems that it backfired on those involved and they've ALL receive severe reprimands. He didn't say who or exactly how many, but it tells me it wasn't just one person.
He also said that on hearing of my plight, the thing that impressed him the most, especially considering my age, was my determination and ingenuity in resolving my problems, and how someone so young possessed such amazing ethics. I'm not sure what he means by that.
He finished off by asking if I would consider, now or sometime in the near future, returning to work alongside, and be trained by Miss Oliver to become a valued member of his personal team as he greatly values, all the attributes that I obviously possess, and goes on to say that I need have not the slightest fear of returning to the same situation that I left. He gives his word on that.
This is not the whole letter, it's just to give an idea as I know some of you have followed my journey from the beginning so it's only right that you also get to share the end.
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