Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Beyond The Forbidden Door

 10th July 2024

Tonight we have had a BBQ at Dougies and Sheena's as England are playing someone or other. I have no interest in football. I do like a BBQ though.

This afternoon I had to go for some packages that had been left at the lodge. I say that I had too but in reality I volunteered as I was already out that way on other business. The main reason though was that none of the guys wanted to miss the start of the game. There were three parcels in all so it was a bit of a struggle getting them all on the back of the bike but luckily I had a spare bit of rope which I picked up by the loch a while back.

After arriving home I went to get changed for the BBQ. On passing the forbidden door though, I noticed that it was not shut right too. Normally I would just have pushed it to and carried on my way but with no one being around I thought I could get away with being a bit ore adventurous today. I placed my ear to the crack in the opening but could hear nothing. So I carefully opened the door a little more and listened some more, all I could hear was a clock ticking, it put me in mind of one of those big grandfather clocks. I then opened it more, just enough to get my head through the gap and have a quick look. The door opens out in to a corridor, to the left blocking off the corridor was another door. In front was a wall and to my right was an archway through which I could see some banisters. One of the buttresses to the arch was mostly blocking my view so could see little else. So after listening some more I decided it was safe to step out in to the corridor so that I could get a better look. All was quiet except for the clock and my pounding heart. I crept forward through the arch and found myself on a huge landing area. To my left was the banister and beyond that was a very impressive staircase. In front of me, at the far end of the landing were two closes doors. To my right was a big window which overlooked the front of the house. I could also see that just after the head of the staircase a corridor led way to the left. I wanted to take a look but I didn't dare risk anymore so instead I took a look over the banister. I couldn't see much but what I could see gave the impression that the layout downstairs was much the same as that upstairs.

I took a last look round and had another listen but all seemed well so I turned my attention to the door across the corridor. At the time it felt quite safe to open it but afterwards when I had time to think about it I frightened myself a little as in reality there could have been anything behind the door. However it was much as I suspected so I guess I was simply trusting what my senses were telling me at the time.

As soon as I could see through the door it was obvious this part of the house had not been used for a long time other than for storage. The corridor stretch out before me, there were no windows although there was light coming from somewhere at the far end. There were items of furniture, magazines, bookcases full of books and even a bicycle. There was a door on the right about five meters long the corridor. I opened to find more stored items. I'm being kind when I call them stored items as a lot of the stuff looked like junk. I couldn't imagine anyone ever using them again. There were several broken down beds plus other items of furniture, some with covers over so perhaps they were the better pieces. Feeling the pressure of time, I moved on after a quick look round.

The next room, again on the right of he corridor had lots of clothes hanging from rails, all of which had a cover over them. Everything in the whole place was covered in a layer of dust. I looked at a few of the rails and from what I could see everything was old.

At the end of the corridor was a door behind which was a bathroom. It had a bath plus and toilet and wash basin, all filthy. It was at this point that the corridor took a sharp left turn and ran along to a further two doors plus a window at the end which is where the light was entering.

I was a bit hesitant to go any further as I was conscious of how long I'd already been, I never intended to be this long. Also I just expected much the same as I'd already seen. However I thought I might never get another chance so would have a quick look. The two doors in this corridor were right at the end and opposite each other. I took the door on the right first and found another room full of junk. This was all small items such as cases, old electrical equipment, toys, games, boots and shoes in boxes, just general crap basically. I would have liked a root though this room but didn't. I crossed the corridor and entered the last room and was surprised to find this one empty of rubbish. Apart from the standard layer of dust this room could be lived in. Under the window was a desk against the far wall was a small fireplace, against the left hand wall there was a wardrobe and matching chest of draws. Behind the door was a bed with a mattress but no bedding. At the far side of this was a bedside cabinet. The last piece of furniture was a small armchair. Beyond the bed and bedside cabinet, in the corner of the left hand wall was a door which on closer inspection led to a bathroom in which there was a bath, toilet and wash basin plus a cupboard at the far end between the bath and the end wall. It was small and dark, no windows, just an electric light.

Working my back through all the junk in the passage I could help but wonder why the one room was free of rubbish. It was probably just a hassle getting to it with it being so far away and all this other stuff to get past as the corridor was only narrow anyway, unless it just looks that way because of all the clutter stored in it.

It wasn't until I got to the door that I realised that this door was going to be tricky as it opened in full view of the landing area. I could be spotted before I even knew if anyone was there. There wasn't much I could do as I needed to get out so I chanced my luck, although I did open it slowly and listened intently.

I got changed and went off to the BBQ, no one questioned me or anything, which I wouldn't really expect them too. It was just my guilt that I was feeling.

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