Friday, January 19, 2024

The Preface.

 The Preface

I'm starting this with a preface like in a book, although for sure I'm not planning on writing a book or anything. Because I have a desire, rightly or wrongly, to share my experience in a public way I think there are things, like for instance, how I came to be busted by the man, or woman, in this case that need to be told before the story begins. 

Some might see it as a grubby little affair with a long time friend of the family but really it wasn't anything so grand. In reality it was just a bit of fun, or at least to us it was. To my parents though, in particular my mother, it was the end of the world, and I can understand why that is, I've never once tried to shy away from my responsibility in the matter. I've apoligised time and time again but there is no forgiveness or understanding to be had. It seems I'm not allowed to make mistakes. Dad would have forgiven me but mum would never have forgiven him if he had, so I don't blame him and he did do what he could to make things easier for me. In the end they decided that I should be sent to live with my grandfather. He spent a quarter or more of his life in the army before becoming a secondary school history and French teacher. He has now retired and taken to a remote estate in the Scottish Highlands. As an employee and not the owner I might add. I think because of his past experiences they see him as my saviour, someone to drag me back to the straight and narrow. Failing that, the place I am destined for is so remote and devoid of people that they probably think it impossible for me to find someone to lead me astray anyway.

The other thing I just want to quickly mention is that because all this started over a year ago and I'm now only just getting round to thinking about documenting the experience, some of the entries will be backdated and as I'm not the best at remembering dates some of them might not be exact.

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 Well good old Irene has come through for me after all, shame on me for doubting her. The only trouble is that I have to get to Durness by t...